Brian + Miranda | Salamanca, NY
I will admit, there is always a little bit of a struggle doing an engagement session during the Springtime. Only because you never know what kind of weather you’re going to get! Is it going to be full sun and gorgeous or is it going to be snowing? For us, we got option #2. However, Brian and Miranda were truly troopers during this session.. considering they left 80 degree weather when they were at home!
I’ve known Miranda since we were in Middle School.. actually, it could have been before that. It’s still crazy to me when someone I went to school with reaches out to me to tell me they are getting MARRIED! I just have a hard time wrapping my head around how fast life is flying by! I couldn’t be more excited for Miranda and Brian. I finally got to meet him at this engagement session and he’s so sweet and funny! He had me laughing the entire time. I know on wedding day, it’ll be the exact same way!
During their shoot, I will admit, I did have some doubts on if we were going to be able to finish the shoot due to the snow that was falling. Yes, I said snow. But as you will see in the images below, we were beyond successful! I am super, super proud of not only these images, but these two! The conditions were not ideal, but these two still nailed it. Enjoy these favorites from our time together. Wedding day cannot come soon enough!


These pictures are absolutely beautiful Liz! Wonderful job ♥️
Thank you so much! You are so sweet. Can’t wait for wedding day! 🙂